Hi there, welcome to my blog! and thankyou for stopping by. I have designed this blog to share with you knitting patterns that are my favourites and, i'll be trying out some new ones along the way. I also hope to help knitters new and old (i don't mean your age LOL) by sharing information, handy hints and tips, answering quieries and helping solve your knitting problems. Before you go, please help me by making a comment and suggest any knitting project you'd like to see.

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Monday, October 31, 2011

Super Easy Knit baby Booties

Knitting for babies is fun for you, and appreciated by those who enjoy the finished product. If you're in the mood for something traditional, start with the cute baby booties. These super easy baby booties are such a breeze to knit that a set of three would be a perfect gift. I would love if people used this pattern as a starting point to make booties unique to their own inspirations.

Baby soft Double Knitting type yarn
Size 4mm needles

Cast on 32st and work 10 rows k2,p2 rib
Next row (RS) eyelets k1,*yo,k2 tog to last yo,k1 - 33sts
Next row purl

Divide for Instep
Knit 22sts turn leaving remaining sts unworked
Next purl 11sts turn and leave remaining sts unworked
Work 12 rows in St st across the 11sts for instep, break yarn

With right side facing rejoin yarn to last st on right hand needle pick up 7sts down righ tside of instep,
knit across 11sts of instep and pick up 7sts down left side then knit 11 sts from left hand needle 47 sts in all.
knit 11 rows garter (every row knit).

Shape Heel and Toe

Row 1 (RS)  k2, k2tog, k17, k2tog, k1, k2tog, k17,k2tog, k2
Row 2 knit
Row 3 k2, k2tog, k15, k2tog, k1, k2tog, k15, k2tog,k2
Row 4 knit
Row 5 k2, k2tog, k13, k2tog, k1, k2tog, k13, k2tog, k2
 Cast off loosely
Sew seam and thread ribbon or cord through eyelets.

They are so cute! It's fun to make knit baby booties for a baby shower gift. They are nice with  mittens and a hat as a set.